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 1. The Texas Blue  Interview with Congressman Ciro Rodriguez  Who's Blue 
 2. Mark Levine  Interview with Congressman Holt   
 3. Chad Hasty  LFN Interview 7.14.09: Congressman Randy Neugebauer  The Chad Hasty Show 
 4. George Nassar  Spin Room Interview with Congressman Al Green  The Texas Blue 
 5. Radio Liberty  William Rodriguez Interview  November 2, 2006 
 6. The Alex Jones Show  William Rodriguez Interview  April 5, 2007 
 7. The Alex Jones Show  William Rodriguez Interview  April 10, 2007 
 8. The French Connection  William Rodriguez Interview  November 9, 2005 
 9. Deadline Live  William Rodriguez Interview  September 7, 2005 
 10. BBC Radio Five Live  William Rodriguez Interview  February 23, 2007 
 11. BBC Radio Five Live  William Rodriguez Interview  February 23, 2007 
 12. BBC Radio Five Live  William Rodriguez Interview  February 23, 2007 
 13. The French Connection  William Rodriguez Interview  November 9, 2005 
 14. Radio Liberty  William Rodriguez Interview  December 19, 2006 
 15. Deadline Live  William Rodriguez Interview  September 7, 2005 
 16. BBC Look North  William Rodriguez Interview  February 14, 2007 
 17. BBC Look North  William Rodriguez Interview  February 14, 2007 
 18. The Alex Jones Show  William Rodriguez Interview  April 5, 2007 
 19. Chris O'Brien  Interview with Darian Rodriguez Heyman  Inside Silicon Valley 
 20. Chris O'Brien  Interview with Darian Rodriguez Heyman  Inside Silicon Valley 
 21. Greater Good Radio  Ed Case: U.S. Congressman  Greater Good Radio: Radio Show 
 22. Dan Hanson and Louis Stokes  Congressman Louis Stokes  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 23. Chad Hasty  Congressman Randy Neugebauer 4.20.09  The Chad Hasty Show 
 24. Paul Jacob  A Congressman Makes Sense  Common Sense, December 15-26, 2008 
 25. Congressman Bobby Scott / U.Va Democrats  Congressman Bobby Scott (D-3) gives his perspective on the federal budget  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 26. Congressman Bobby Scott / U.Va Democrats  Congressman Bobby Scott (D-3) gives his perspective on the federal budget  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 27. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 23: Congressman Ron Paul, Peter Spina, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek   
 28. Congressman Sherrod Brown vs. Senator Mike DeWine  October 27, 2006 featuring Congressman Sherrod Brown vs. Senator Mike DeWine, U.S. Senate Debate  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 29. Grumpy Bear  Chi Chi Rodriguez  The Box 
 30. SolidWorks Corp.  PhotoWorks - Rob Rodriguez  SolidWorks Podcast 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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